Elevate Your Crypto Trading Game with Banksters

3 min readJan 27, 2023

Trading, by default, is a boring activity. Many traders who sit all day around anticipating the outcome of a trade, may go home with a lot of money in their pockets, but the money does not come without substantial boredom. Sometimes they can lose everything, creating frustration and distress. The same thing applies to crypto trading, but with higher volatility. On the other hand, there are crypto games that bring in great excitement and money. But gaming is not as efficient as trading, which is why we have built Banksters.

Banksters is a mix of gamifications users enjoy in a game and the credibility they get with crypto trading. Banksters is the next step in the evolution of crypto trading, and we will stay on course to bring in more updates and elements as this type of trading scales further.

How Banksters is Elevating Crypto Trading?

According to Statista, 21% of crypto traders find that the current exchanges have an inconvenient user interface. While there are other more prominent issues they highlight, a boring way to trade is one of them. Banksters aims to alleviate this issue while also addressing other concerns of crypto traders.

With Banksters, traders will find an immersive and highly responsive interface boasting user-friendly functions. We have developed a game wherein any user can influence the market and outcome of their investments. In our game, users can earn rewards by understanding market trends and challenging their peers and other users in investment runs.

With the features and functions, we have created a gameplay experience filled with competition and excitement. With the gamifications and ease of playing, Banksters is taking away the stress and anxiety that is involved with trading. As a Bankster, the players will gain several capabilities, which they can use in the gameplay to influence the market flow. This gives each user the opportunity to gain more and take less stress. However, in Banksters, an individual’s existing trading experience and understanding will also play an important role.

Why the Shift to a Gamified Trading Interface?

Blockchain games are taking the lead in the industry. At the time of writing, the total market capitalization of gaming tokens is a little more than $9.2 billion. Moreover, gaming activity is responsible for 52% of Unique Active Wallet (UAW) transactions. Also, blockchain games are the least affected segment in the event of a bearish market.

Imitating the basic premise of a game where players compete with each other to earn rewards and points, Banksters also allows players to bet against each other. As players compete in investments, they are using their expertise to do the same. Hence, great skill is needed to pit against another player’s predictions. The winners will get real crypto tokens as reward.

In addition to this, we have added a skill-based rewards system within a multiplayer gamified version of mining, investment run, and minting. Another advantage of the Banksters Game is actually the benefits players will receive from level-ups — there’s always room to improve.

A Glimpse of the Next-Age Play & Earn Mechanics

On Banksters, players can interact with gameplay in three ways;

  • Game Mining: Players can mine with in-game currency for free. They won’t need any mining equipment. However, the players have to pay with in-game currency, which will be an entry fee to begin investment runs. The Cloud Miner was built by the Banksters team, and it does not impact your phone’s / computer’s CPU or storage.
  • Investment Runs: After gaining entry with in-game currency, the users can select cryptocurrency according to their understanding and experience. The motive is to select the cryptocurrencies they think will outperform others within the time it takes to complete an Investment Run. Winners of the investment runs will get rewards in the $BARS token.
  • Minting: Another way to earn is to lease Banksters to other players. This allows existing players to earn and become new Banksters. A player with multiple Banksters can also sell them on the NFT marketplace.

Conclusively, Banksters is creating a new ecosystem of crypto trading where players can gain experience, skills, and techniques to upgrade their abilities, increasing their chances of earning more from the game. With features like customized avatars, NFTs, and a marketplace, Banksters represents an evolution of crypto trading, making new headways in the right direction.




Web3 trading simulator and EduTech platform that rewards users for understanding crypto market trends.