Expert Days (1–5) Digest: Insights from Market Experts

5 min readMar 21, 2024

Recently, we launched a new project called Expert Day, where our CEO and CMO, Alexandru Carbunariu, engages with market experts to delve into insights and revelations about crypto, blockchain, web3/web2, and game development. We’ve recently reached our first milestone with 5 interviews full of insightful discussions! If you’ve missed any, here’s a digest of the main thoughts.

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EXPERT DAY 5: Max Fomichev, famed for games like Call of Duty, shares that the gaming world welcomes all skills, adapts to changes, and is carefully exploring Web3 and blockchain.

Diverse Paths to Entry: Success in the gaming industry can come from various backgrounds, not just technical fields. Max Fomichev’s transition from gaming media to development exemplifies this.

  • Market Fluctuations: The industry’s recent economic downturns are seen as natural market corrections post-pandemic, not a long-term crisis.
  • Skill Development: Aspiring gaming professionals should pursue their interests and dedicate themselves to improving their skills through personal projects and continuous learning.
  • Role of Mentorship: Both formal and informal mentorship are crucial for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and industry demands.
  • Non-Technical Opportunities: There is a significant demand for skills in management, marketing, and other non-technical areas within the gaming industry.
  • Project Selection: Fomichev advocates for a cautious approach in project selection, emphasizing innovation within manageable development costs.
  • Web3 and Blockchain: While cautious, Fomichev recognizes the potential of Web3 and blockchain to introduce new gameplay mechanics and economic models, provided they align with traditional gaming values.

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EXPERT DAY 4: Andrea Medvedovici Per, Vice President of European Games Developer Federation (EGDF), discusses how gaming is evolving with Web 3.0, highlighting the unique qualities of European games and contrasting Eastern and Western gaming markets.

  • Gaming’s Technological Frontier: The industry leads in adopting VR, AR, and blockchain, driving more immersive and interactive experiences.
  • Web 3.0’s Potential and Challenges: Web 3.0 could revolutionize game economies and player engagement, but integrating these technologies into mainstream gaming is approached cautiously due to potential risks and current limitations in narrative and gameplay depth compared to Web 2.0 games.
  • European Gaming Identity: European games blend compelling narratives with artistic flair, drawing on diverse cultural stories and supporting indie developers, resulting in games with unique identities, like “The Witcher” and “Limbo.”
  • East vs. West Gaming Dynamics: Western games often emphasize expansive stories and high-quality graphics, offering players significant freedom. Eastern games, particularly from countries like China and Japan, incorporate detailed, culture-specific elements, contributing to their distinctiveness.
  • Diverse Gaming Careers: The industry offers a wide array of roles beyond coding and design, including game testing, rule design, and more.
  • The Future of Gaming and Web 3.0: While Web 3.0 games introduce innovative concepts like earning through play, the technology’s integration into gaming is gradual, with the industry exploring its potential cautiously.

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EXPERT DAY 3: Siam Kidd, a prominent financial expert and founder of the Realistic Trader, shares critical insights on the crypto market’s state, focusing on Bitcoin ETF speculations and the future of Web3.

  • Bitcoin ETF Approval: Siam expresses skepticism about the immediate approval of a Bitcoin ETF by the SEC, anticipating potential delays and advising caution in managing market expectations.
  • Web3 Industry’s Slow Adoption: He suggests that the widespread adoption of Web3 will take longer than expected, citing market confusion and the lack of a universal decentralized identity system as significant hurdles.
  • Importance of Education in Crypto: Siam emphasizes the vital role of education for investors, especially those who joined during the crypto bull markets without prior investment experience, urging them to understand the complexities of cryptocurrencies.
  • Caution and Responsibility in Crypto Investments: The interview underscores the need for caution, particularly in DeFi projects, and promotes the use of educational resources for a responsible approach to crypto investing.

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EXPERT DAY 2: Micaela Romanini, founder of Women in Games Italia and a veteran in gaming with a focus on sustainability, explores the future of gaming, emphasizing diversity and the intersection with education.

Future of Gaming: Micaela predicts continued evolution in gaming, highlighting the potential of web3 and the metaverse for unique gamer engagement but stresses the need for inclusivity.

  • Empowering Women: Through Women in Games Italia, Micaela aims to empower women and promote diversity in the gaming industry, challenging stereotypes and encouraging careers in various gaming fields.
  • Gaming and Education: She sees significant benefits in integrating gaming and gamification into education, leveraging technology like VR and programs like Minecraft to enhance learning.
  • Web3 Gaming Challenges: Micaela differentiates between Web3 technology’s promise and the variable quality of Web3 games, advocating for developer transparency and responsible development to mitigate scams.
  • Personal Reflections: Micaela shares her favorite game, “Omicron: The Nomad Soul,” and encourages openness to the gaming industry’s evolving landscape.

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EXPERT DAY 1 with Alexandru Carbunariu, CEO and CMO of Banksters.

In an interview with crypto expert Anthony Day, Alexandru Carbunariu, CMO, unveils Banksters’ blend of Web3, gaming, and edTech, emphasizing educational gaming and strategic development during bear markets.

  • Unique Product Offering: Banksters combines edTech and gaming, providing a risk-free platform for learning trading through real-life market simulations, appealing to both beginners and Web3 enthusiasts.
  • Comprehensive Web3 Integration: The game includes cloud mining and Utility-NFTs, enhancing gameplay with skills and unique digital avatars, closely tied to market rates for realism.
  • Educational Mission: Addressing the lack of educational resources in crypto trading, Banksters aims to demystify financial investments through engaging gameplay.
  • Advantages of Bear Market Development: Utilizing the bear market for cost-effective development and access to skilled resources, Banksters prepared unique features for launch.
  • Bridging Web3 and Web2: The game focuses on easing Web2 users into Web3 by reducing apprehensions and offering an engaging, technologically advanced product.
  • Legal and Marketing Preparedness: Legal compliance and securing gaming licenses, especially during a bear market, were pivotal for a successful launch.
  • Onboarding Web2 Users: Tailored narratives and simplified onboarding processes aim to make Web2 users comfortable and confident in transitioning to Web3.
  • Emphasis on User Experience: Simplifying user interactions to enhance retention, with a demo feature for new players to test the game without complexity.
  • Strategic Tokenomics: Involving experts to design sustainable tokenomics, ensuring economic stability within the game through continuous feedback and adjustments.
  • Guilds for Engagement and QA: Utilizing guilds for immediate user feedback and cost-effective quality assurance, leveraging the gaming community’s expertise.
  • Socioeconomic Impact of Web3 Gaming: Highlighting Web3 gaming’s potential to offer economic opportunities, surpassing traditional job incomes in some regions.

The interview showcases Banksters’ innovative approach to combining gaming and education with Web3 technology, focusing on strategic development, user engagement, and the broader socioeconomic impact.

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Web3 trading simulator and EduTech platform that rewards users for understanding crypto market trends.