The Skills of NFTs Define Their In-Game Abilities

4 min readApr 14, 2023


An NFT that goes beyond a basic JPG is most likely to be a developed game character with abilities that can influence the gameplay. But what actually determines the development of these abilities? Oddly enough, it’s just like in life — character skills. Let’s take a look at the construction of the NFT “personality” on the example of Banksters characters.

Different Rarities — different skills — different NFTs with unique characters

It can be a little difficult to calculate which skill earns how many points in life. However, in the Banksters Game, it is easy to see their impact on the gameplay.

We will begin by learning how to calculate the points of Bankster’s abilities, which will provide insights on why the character on the left has +72 points and the character on the right receives only +62 points for the same ability, “Elon’s tweet.”

The basic principle is:

The number of abilities can be different, it depends on the rarity of a Bankster and its skills. Skills offer different bonuses to different abilities.

You can read more about all the abilities in this article.
There are 32 skills, with 4 ranks for each of the 8 abilities.

So let’s take a look at the table below that contains skills as well as the abilities they are responsible for:

32 skills. 4 ranks for each of 8 abilities

Each Bankster has 10 random skills selected from the 32 skills. Each skill gives + points to abilities. Now let’s add these numbers to the basic points of ability.

Base points + special bonus

Now back to our NFT-characters — Banksters.

It turns out that the basic Elon’s Tweet gives +58 points, and because of his skill — “Trend Setter” (T3) — Lamont Rifkin receives 14 more points added to the ability’s initial value.

“Trend setter” gives +14 points to “Elon’s Tweet”

The second Bankster — Marlon Lenney — receives +62 points for Elon’s tweet because of his “Chatter” skill, which adds +4 more points to the base of +58.

“Chatter” gives +4 points to “Elon’s Tweet”

So, are you stuck with what you have? Is it impossible to develop this or that ability?

In the case of the NFT, everything is visible and understandable. So, let’s look in the Skills menu of our Illuminati Lamont Rifkin for his passive skills. And we see that the “Influencer” skill will add +10 points to Elon’s Tweet ability of this Bankster.

“Influencer” skill is locked, however will give +10 points to “Elon’s tweet” once it is opened

The second character, Marlon Lenney (Whale), cannot jump over +62 points, but he can get extra points on other abilities.

There are no locked skills to strengthen “Elon’s tweet”

In other words, active skills give points to here-and-now abilities. The higher the rarity of Bankster has — the more active skills are available.

Locked skills provide a development impact on your Character. As you progress through the game to new levels, the Bankster can unlock them.

Passive skills can be passed on to a new Bankster in the Minting process.

A regular example of a minting process

Now you know exactly how to describe your character. You can say: “My Bankster is a genial and lucky chatter”. And these words will be so true that they will describe in detail the abilities of your NFT and give an understanding of what impact your Bankster can make on the market in order to bring you success.

Play Banksters! Be Bankster. Take care and see you in our challenges!

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