XP points: how experience raises the level of your Bankster

2 min readJan 14, 2024

In the dynamic world of the Banksters ecosystem, Experience Points (XP) play a crucial role, serving as the lifeblood that moves users forward on their journey of their Avatars’ development. What is important to know about XP? What is about its acquisition within the realm of Invest Runs? Why do these points play a pivotal role in shaping the capabilities of your Bankster? Let’s discover now!

Currency of Progress

With each XP earned, users edge closer to unlocking new levels and unleashing the full potential of their Banksters. XP points are locked to each Bankster. You can find its progress bar in “My team” section under an avatar picture.

The green progress bar shows the accumulating of XP points

Maximizing Your XP Potential

There is a maximum cap on the amount of XP points that can be earned at the current level. When this cap is reached, further XP accumulation temporarily pauses, acting as a motivating factor for users to focus on leveling up their Bankster.

Leveling Up Your Bankster

A primary function of XP is to facilitate the leveling up of your Bankster. As XP points accumulate, users reach significant milestones that make the new level available.

Earning XP in Invest Runs

Participating in Invest Runs presents a unique opportunity for users to accumulate valuable XP. Unlike BARS tokens, which are awarded only to the winners, XP points are given to those who did not take the first place as well.

Even the last place in the InvestRun will bring you XP rewards

The Journey Continues

The evolving nature of the XP system ensures that the journey is a continuous cycle of learning, striving for excellence, and achieving new heights within the Banksters ecosystem.

Unlock the true potential of Banksters, ensure a dynamic and ever-evolving experience within the digital landscape of Banksters!

Learn more about XP points in our video

Want to maximize the potential of your Bankster? Read an article about Activity points!

Stay tuned!




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