Your Activity Matters: How to Become a VIP Bankster

3 min readNov 10, 2023

“All growth depends upon activity,” wisely said the 30th President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge.

The Banksters Game is no exception. The more Invest Runs attended, the more wins obtained. The more wins obtained, the higher the position on the Leaderboard, as well as the BARS balance, which grants access to all game features.

However, there are other rewards for players that shouldn’t be underestimated — particularly the ‘Activity Points’ that provide Status and the opportunity to Play and Win more.

How it works

Players in general focus more on prizes earned. Playing Banksters like a Pro will unlock different rewards and extra perks. So keep an eye on other prizes as well!

In the ‘Winnings’ section, you can find the “AP earned” item, which, when deciphered, means Activity Points earned.

  • All AP are summed not to your Bankster but to your account as a whole, forming the Activity Status, which you can check at the top of your Lobby screen.
  • The number of Activity Points resets every day.
  • The new Status achieved is retained for 7 days.
  • Afterwards, it drops one step down, with the duration of retention also being 7 days.

Therefore, it is crucial to seize the moment: while the status is high, you have certain leverages in the game. And to maintain it — the activity needs to be sustained!

What does the Activity Status provide?

A high Activity Status allows you to optimize your Mining Rig, enabling you to earn more in-game currency and, consequently, attend more Invest Runs.

  • AP Cost is the amount of required Activity Points to automatically achieve a new Status.
  • Each status provides an In-Game Currency Boost, and high statuses (Diamond and VIP) even allow mining BARS tokens (BARS tokens Boost Amount).

Optimizing Mining Rig

Activity Status above Basic allows improving the Mining Rig of a specific Bankster.

However, it’s not possible to enhance the mining rig for every Bankster to its maximum. You need to choose how to split these upgrades between Banksters based on your own strategy.

We recommend making this choice based on the abilities of a particular Bankster — it’s like selecting a football player who will play more and better than others.

If you want to involve another Bankster, simply remove the equipment from one and add to another.

For more details on optimising the Mining Rig, you can refer to our other article on Mining.

For a more immersive experience, we advise you to watch our video about Activity Points.

Do you want to become a professional Bankster? Read our article about Banksters Abilities! They will help you to succeed your rivals!

Stay tuned!




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